Recently, we have managed the litigation support for:
- A former high ranking executive with a national medical software company in connection with a criminal matter. This involved the review and organization of over 90 terabytes of data as well as 3,000 bankers’ boxes containing more than 6 million hard copy pages produced in discovery. We managed this data through the use of several online and in-house electronic document review databases. Additionally, we implemented an electronic repository for the organization and management of our key documents, facts and witness related materials;
- A former high ranking executive with a national managed health care organization in connection with the analysis of over 500,000 electronic documents, as well as putting in place an administrative structure to review and organize millions of additional hardcopy and electronic documents. Additionally, we implemented an online document database which allowed us to access and review the entire collection of documents from anywhere in the world; and
- An executive employed with a publicly traded technology company which required an expedited analysis of a computer hard drive and production of responsive documents with respect to a government investigation.